Global Warming Prediction下载

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Global Warming Prediction

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  • Global Warming Prediction截图1
  • Global Warming Prediction截图2
  • Global Warming Prediction截图3
  • Global Warming Prediction截图4
  • Global Warming Prediction截图5

Global Warming Prediction下载介绍

News and simulation app on modeling and prediction of global warming and related problems through self-organizing knowledge extraction from public data. It shows forecasts of land air and sea surface temperatures of nine latitudinal bands several months and years ahead, predicts Ozone concentration, Aerosols, Radiative Cloud Fraction, Sun Activity, it discusses and analyzes \"What Drives Global Warming?\

Global Warming Prediction更新说明:

Diese App wurde von Apple aktualisiert, um das Symbol der Apple?Watch-App anzuzeigen.

Wartung und iOS 11 Support

开发者详情:Frank Lemke
更新时间:2024-03-05 12:58:34
语言: "EN", "DE"


